I have always loved to learn; so, it is no surprise that the ten-year-old kid who asked to do long division for fun on the whiteboard at a friend’s house would become a life-long learner eager to share that passion with others.
As a member of the inaugural cohort of the Humanities Honors Program and Graduating Suma Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a minor in Spanish at Point Loma Nazarene University, I enhanced my enthusiasm for learning through exposure to different disciplines and, after completing a class in Spain and a semester abroad in Argentina, across different cultures as well. Moreover, I developed this skill set as one of fourteen participants in a week-long liberal arts and interdisciplinary studies seminar hosted at Wheaton University. One of the central themes spotlighted the importance of creativity to solve the complex problems facing society today. Within the context of teaching, this idea serves as a reminder that learning is interconnected and deeply personal. Success happens more readily by learning about each student and adapting to their individual needs.
Not only do I enjoy learning, but I am also enthusiastic about helping others find the joy of learning as well. So, in my senior year of college, I helped to launch a peer mentorship program within the history and political science department of my university and began volunteering virtually as an adult ESL tutor.
Education is a powerful experience that can build self-esteem, confidence, resilience, and grit in students while equipping them with tools, skills, and perspectives to navigate life. As an educator, is it an honor to be part of that process.